Meditation can do wonders! If you apply this in your life!

Deepak Gupta
14 min readMar 16, 2021


A well-established mind is a mind that is in a state of some Mukti, Mukti is referred to as a “Kalpavriksha” if you organize your mind to a certain level of organization it, in turn, organizes the whole system, your body your emotion your energies everything is organized in the direction once all these four dimensions of you, your physical body your mind your emotion and the fundamental life energies are organized in one direction once you are like this anything that you wish happens without even lifting a little finger would help to assist it with activity but even without doing any activity, you can still manifest what you want if you organize these four dimensions in one direction and keep it unwavering in that direction for a certain period of time.
Right now the problem with your mind is every moment it is changing its direction it is like you want to travel somewhere and every two steps if you keep changing your direction the question of you reaching the destination is very remote unless it happens by chance so organizing our minds and in turn organizing the whole system and these four basic dimensions of who you are right now in one direction if you do this you are a Kalapavriksha yourself. Anything that you wish will happen but right now if you look at your lives everything that you have wished for till now if it happens you have finished
Everything and Everybody that you have desired for if all of that lands up in your house today could you live with that so if you want to become empowered it is also important that you become responsible as to what you ask for and what you don’t right now the world situation is just this we are hugely empowered with technology today it doesn’t take six billion people to destroy this planet, one man, by pressing the wrong the button can destroy the whole planet.
When we are empowered like this is our physical action emotional action mental action and energy actions must be controlled and properly directed if it is not so we become destructive self-destructive right now that is our problem, the technology which is supposed to make our life beautiful and easy has become the source of all the problem that we are destroying the very basis of our life which is the planet, so what should have been a boon we are making a curse out of it what has brought incredible levels have comfort inconvenience to us in the last hundred years or so has also become a threat to our lives simply because we are not conscious action we are in a compulsive state of action so organizing our minds fundamentally means moving from a compulsive state of activity to a conscious state of activity.
You might have heard of people for whom they asked for something and beyond all expectations, it came true for them generally this happens to people who are in faith now let’s say you want to
build a house if you start thinking oh I want to build a house, to build a house I need 50 lakhs but I have only 50 rupees in my pocket not possible, not possible the moment you say not possible you are also saying I don’t want it so on one level you’re creating a desire that you want something on another level you’re saying I don’t want it so in this conflict it may not happen.
Someone who has some faith in a God or a temple or whatever who is her simple minor faith works only for those people who are simple-minded thinking, People who are too much thinking for them it never works a childlike person who has a simple faith in his God at his temple of whatever he goes to the temple and says, Shiva
I want a house I don’t know how you must make it from now in his mind there are no negative thoughts will it happen will it not happen is it possible is it not possible these things are completely removed by the simple act of faith now he believes she will do it for him and it will happen so if you are going to come and build your house no I want you to understand God will not lift his little finger for you what you refer to as God is the source of creation as a creator he’s done a phenomenal job there’s no question about could you think of a better creation then this! it is anybody’s imagination to think anything better than what is there right now so as a creator he has done his job wonderfully well but if you want life to happen the way you want it because right now the very crux of your happiness well-being is this if at all if you’re unhappy the only and only reason why you’re unhappy in life is not happening the way you think it should happen that’s all it is so if life is not happening the way you think
it should happen you’re unhappy if life happens the way you think it should happen you are happier it’s as simple as that so if life has to happen the way you think it should happen first of all how do you think with how much focus you think how much stability is there in your thought and how much reverberance is there in the thought process will determine whether your part will become a reality or is it just an empty thought or how you do not create any impediments for your thought by creating negative thought process is something
possible is not possible is destroying humanity what is possible and not possible is not your business it’s nature’s business.
Your business is just to strive but what you want right now you’re sitting here if I ask you two simple questions I want you to just look at this and answers right now from where you’re sitting can you just fly off you say no right now from where you sitting can you get up and walk you’ll say yes what is the basis of this why you say no to flying and yes to walking because past experience of life many
times you’ve gotten up on walked never did you fly off or in other words, you’re using the past experience of life as a basis for deciding whether something is possible or not possible or in other words, you have decided that what is not happened till now cannot happen in your life in future.
This is a disgrace to humanity and the human spirit what has not happened till now on this planet can happen tomorrow human beings are capable of making it happen tomorrow so what is possible and what is not possible is not your business that
is nature’s business, Nature will decide that you just see what is it that you want and strive for that and if your thought is creatively in a powerful way without any negativity without any negative thoughts bringing down the intensity of the thought process, it will manifest.
The whole existence today modern science is proving is just a reverberation of energy it is a vibration similarly your thought is also a Vibration if you generate a powerful thought and let it out it will always manifest itself, so generally people are using faith as a means to remove the negative thought, today once you have become thinking human beings your faith is not too deep it doesn’t matter how much faith you think you have somewhere doubted always pop up right now the way your minds are made this moment if God appears right here you will not surrender to him you will want an investigation whether he’s really God or not with this kind of mind you should not waste your time and faith so there is an alternative which is commitment if you simply commit yourself to create what you really care
for now once again your thought gets organized in such a way there is no such thing as to whether it’s possible or not possible there is no hurdle in your thought process your thought flows freely towards what you want once this happens making it happen will also naturally follow so to create what you really care for first and foremost thing is that what you want must be well manifested in your mind but this is what I want is that what you really want you must look at it because any number of things in your life your thought this is
it the moment you reach there you realize that’s not it’s the next one and the next one and the next one so what is it that one really wants is one thing, first of all, we must explore once that is clear and we are committed to creating it now there is a continuous process of thought in the direction once you can maintain a steady stream of thought without changing direction definitely this is going to happen in your life or it will definitely manifest as a reality in your life so either you make this human form into your kalpavriksha or you make it into one big mess which is happening all over one reason why we have not created the kind of world that all of us would want to live in is too many people are busy looking up, too many people are interested in other planets they are not interested in this planet but
every aspect of their life they’re checking out with other planets and further too many
people are in service of heaven they are not on service of this earth, I think right now we need people or in service of this earth, not heaven I believe if Heaven is closer to the divine then where we are if that is so I believe they’re little more organized in us they don’t need help from us this has been a major problem on the planet anything that is valuable for a human being anything that is good the highest aspects of human life have unfortunately been exported to heaven for example if you say loud people say God is loving we do not know whether God is loving or not human beings are capable of love it is very very important that
people understand human beings are capable of Love human beings are capable of compassion human beings are capable of joy and blissfulness all the good things that are possible for a human being, unfortunately, have been exported to heaven,
if we want to create the kind of world that we want to we need to understand whatever you refer to as God the idea of God has entered our mind only because we have seen creation around us because there is the creation we have assumed a creator God is a Great Creator what you refer to as God he’s a source of creation that source of creation has not failed us has done a fantastic job but now the question is about management if you want to
leave the management in the hands of the Creator he will manage it in his own way according to his agenda but that’s not what you want you to want life to happen the way you want it now for example let’s say all of you here are the India soccer team for the next World Cup and I am the coach so these next four years everything that you need to
know about football is taught to you everything that I know about football is poured into you
in so many ways now the time to play the match has come you’re on the field and the ball comes near your foot but you look at me and it’s no good you’ve seen those coaches sitting there and boiling nothing happens because now once you’re on the field it’s your job so this is the same thing the Creator has done a fantastic job now you’re here it is for you and me to see how to manage this how we want it how to keep this world how in what condition would all of us enjoy it best is something that we have to look at, so at every stage in our life we tend to think this is it if this one thing happens everything will be fine with my life you reach there and you realize that’s not it and you postpone it to something else in something else this is going on the first and foremost thing is you must be clear what is it
that you really want if you do not know what you want the question of creating it doesn’t arise if you look at what you really want?
What every human being wants is he wants to live joyfully he wants to live peacefully in terms of its relationships he wants it to be loving and affectionate or in other words all that any human being is seeking for his pleasantness within himself pleasantness around him if this pleasantness if it happens in our body we call this health and pleasure, If it happens in our mind we call this peace and joy, If it happens in our emotion we call this love and compassion if it happens in our energy we call this blissfulness and ecstasy.
This is all that the human being is looking for whether he
is going to his office to work he wants to make money building a carrier build a family he sits in
the bar sits in the temple he is still looking for the same thing pleasantness within pleasantness around if this is what we want to create I think it’s time we addressed it directly and commits ourselves to create it so you want to create yourself as a peaceful human being joyful human being loving human being a pleasant human being in all levels and do you also want a world like this a peaceful world, a loving world, a joyful world, No No I want greenery, I want food when we say a joyful world that means everything that you want has happened
so this is all that you’re looking for so all that you need to do is commit yourself to create it to create a peaceful joyful and loving world both for yourself and everybody around you every day in the morning if you start your day with this simple thought in your mind but today wherever I go I will create a peaceful loving and joyful world if you fall down 100 times in the day what does it matter but a committed man there is no such thing as failure if you fall down 100 times hundred lessons to be learned if you commit yourself like this to creating what you really care for now your mind gets organized once your mind get organized the way you think is the way you feel your emotional get organized once your thought and emotion are organized your energies will get organized in the same direction once your thought emotion and energies are organized your very body will get organized once all these four
are organized in one direction you are the ability to create and manifest what you want is phenomenal you are the Creator in many ways why I am saying you are the creator ease I want you to look at the nature of your life right now if you eat a banana in four hours time this banana becomes a human being there is something within you a life-creating process a process which builds this body the manufacture of this body is within you give
him a banana he makes the human being out of that banana transforming a banana and your human being is not a small thing it is a phenomenon it is just that this phenomenon is happening within you unconsciously if you could only consciously manifest this making a banana and your human being you are the creator you are nothing less than that.
As the theory of evolution goes to make a monkey into a human being it took millions of years over an afternoon you can make a banana into your human being or whatever else a piece of bread that wheat into a human being so the very source of creation is functioning within you if you organize these four dimensions of mind, emotion, body and energy in one direction the source of creation is with you you are the Creator what you want to create will happen to you effortlessly once you are organized like this now you are not a mess you are a kalpavriksha you have the power to create what you want.
There are tools and technologies as to how to organize this system in such a way that instead of being a psychological mess you can make yourself into your Kalapavriksha, this culture these traditions the whole technology of yoga is just about this transforming yourself
from being just a piece of creation through the creator himself this is not in search of God this is in search of becoming a god, this is not in search of divine, this is in search of becoming divine because that which you call as divine that which is the source of existence is travelling within you every moment of your life otherwise a piece of bread cannot become a human being in the course of an afternoon so shifting from being just a piece of flesh and blood to become a creator there is a whole science and technology for this there are tools to make this happen that which is the source of creation is functioning
within every moment of your life, it just that has you keep access to that dimension or not organizing the four basic elements of your life will give you that excess there are tools and technologies to do this the whole science of yoga the whole technology that we refer to as yoga is just about this transforming yourself from being just a piece of creation to become a creator, for example, hundred years ago if I picked up something like this and I start to speak to someone who is across in another part of the world you would think it’s some kind of a miracle either I must be a messenger or a son or maybe God himself but today this is just another gadget that every one of us carries on use today is sitting here
without using this instrument if I speak to someone in another part of it is still a miracle
for you so this instrument happened or because of human mind wanting it to happen 100 years ago nobody thought this was possible but today it is just a common thing similarly many many many things which are not in our perception yet can be brought into our perception and our ability to create our lives can be greatly enhanced the
The first and foremost thing is to organize the mind and to organize your emotions body and energy in that line once this happens you are in touch with the fundamental life-creating process within you once you are in touch with it once you are in excess of that power you have the power to create your life and your surroundings the way you want it because we have lost our power to create we are making a mess out
of ourselves and the world around us if we operate it as the true creator as it is operating within us creating this body for us if we could create our lives with the same sense of organization and sense of purpose this world and the human being
would be in a completely different state. It is my wish in my blessing that every human being in this world should have this access to the source of creation within himself so that he can function here as a creator not just as a piece of creation.

